Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Game informer

Have ever read a game informer magazine? If you
haven't,GET A SUBSCRIPTION. Game informer magazine
is like the best magazine for gamers like me. It
even has rated M games like bioshock. Anyway, it's
a really cool magazine. It's got all kinds of of
cool stuff. And it's even got god of war. Bye bye

Monday, March 15, 2010

Crystal candy

Have you ever had, never mind, ok, CRYSTAL CANDY!
IT IS AWSOME! I'm makeing sugar crystals, and I to
eat them when I'm done. I think there going to be
AWSOME. You have to hang string from a pencil over
sugar. It can't touch the bottom, but it has to
almost touch. I hope they are REALLY good. That's
my story. Bye.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

58 to go

Hi, this is my second post in a week. I'm aiming for 1 post for the
next 57 days. So this will be my second post in my goal. That's 1
everyday for about 2 months. Have you read alice in wonder land.
If you haven't , let me tell you, it's a great book. And they came out
with a new alice in wonder land movie. It is BEAST. If you haven't
seen it already, I suggest you see it soon. Bet haven't heard of a
jabberwocky. It's this this big, well, it's basiclly a dragon. But
anyway, Alice cuts it's head off. Well that's it for now, bye-bye.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sweets galore

Hey,everyone loves mghmgh, sweets. So my mom made icecream.
She put in way to much vannilla. No offense to my mom, but I
wouldn't eat mine. It tasted like you were drinking vannilla out the
bottle. It was kind of yucky to taste. So that's my story.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Galaxy Quest

Okay ,this is just a book. But the first two chapters are really cool. it's about these five adults trap'd in pure space. But they sign autagraphs and stuff like that. I'm only on the third chapter. Like I was saying,it's a really good book. But, it also has swearing in it. I'm the kid who likes this stuf. My fav. charecter is Alexander. He plays an alien in the book.---

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi. This is just to intreduce myself. I'm Chailyn (Shailyn).I hope you don't make fun of me , 'Cuz it's my first time doing this. And to get to this go to brycekid.blogspot.com.